Good Nutrition is Simple

Angel & Angela® is a series of all-natural fruit purées created with a sincere heart for accessible nutrition. Packaged in convenient, shelf-stable squeeze pouches, they offer simple-ingredient nutrition with comfort, clarity, and confidence. Good nutrition is EasySqueezy!

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  • You are Loved!

    Sustainably sourced from local South Carolina farms, Angel & Angela®  is a series of all-natural fruit purées created with a sincere heart for others. Originally conceived to assist the special dietary needs of Angela’s friend Angel while in cancer therapy, our hope is to help make good nutrition easy squeezy for everyone!   

  • Good Nutrition is Simple

    Packaged in a 4oz. squeezy, our purées use a novel technology that elevates food safety while protecting sensitive nutrients like polyphenols that can degrade with commonly-used commercial processing and sterilization methods. Validated with third-party testing to retain nutrients, color, and flavor, our goal is to bring you fruit with all the flavor and phytonutrient value as enjoying freshly picked, just on-the-go!

  • Restorative & Replenishing

    Angel & Angela® purées help cultivate healthy outcomes for people and planet. The benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, meeting 5-a-day recommendationscontinue to be clear. When combined with fruit sourced from wholesome local farms, Angel & Angela® purées help support a brighter tomorrow for everyone.

The Fruit of Friendship

We believe cost should never prevent you or your family from receiving God's goodness graciously provided to us in nature with good nutrition. Thanks to the love and support of your neighbor through our Pay-it-Forward program, this is a place you can reach out and start the conversation on affordability and equitable access.

Access Affordability